Adjust camera position with the right mouse button.
Double-click to enter the fullscreen mode.
On mobile devices swipe to rotate.
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On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
On mobile devices 3 finger horizontal swipe performs panning.
The original design works perfectly, a big thank you to ChrisMayhew for sharing.
Only, seeing the picture of Shuka with all the bees on the edge of the feeder, I had the idea to add some studs in the center so that the bees can land everywhere.
05/10/19 Update v2 : taking into account the feedback of chris155hp : I added a grid to prevent the bees from entering the bottle (not tested yet)
Notes : Why did I print the drinking troughs in blue ? The bees distinguish 3 colors : the blue, green and ultraviolet. The other colors appear to them black. We found on our different apiaries and over several seasons, which regularly our navy blue hives were the most powerful. The reason may be that the bees better spot these hives and therefore are less affected by the drift phenomenon is found in apiaries.“